hands, or even rough patches of skin on the body.
Snarky Bars are loaded with shea butter, and chock full of vegan microbeads made from sugar, so it's environmentally friendly.
There are four different Snarky Bars in the current catalog (and there may be some retired ones available!)
Classic Pink Snarky Bar is an awesome scent of exotic flowers and sandalwood. Hands down my favorite scent Posh has! It is, not surprisingly, pink.
Sorry, Not Sorry (how cute is that name!) has a fresh scent, described as fresh, frothy milk. This Snarky Bar is white in color. This Snarky Bar has oats in it, in addition to the microbeads.

Raspberry Beret (pictured) is a sweet, fruity scent. I smell a lot of grapefruit with a hint of raspberry. As you can see, it has raspberry seeds in it, in addition to the microbeads.
I like to use the Snarky Bar on my feet in the shower, and also when I take time to pamper my feet with a mini pedicure (see my previous post about Posh Pedis) for more info. The Snarky Bars are fairly soft, so they can easily be cut into smaller pieces so they are easier to handle, and to extend the life of your bar. Store out of the spray of the shower for prolonged life of your soap!
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